Monday, March 26, 2007

How To Seek Help For Erectile Dysfunction

By Victor Jones Platinum Quality Author

Medical help is a primary requirement if you are an erectile dysfunction patient. But ensure that you seek help from a registered medical healthcare provider if you have any doubts about erectile dysfunction. Most of the time a man takes time to accept the fact that he has erectile problems. He wants help but remains confused about how to go about it. Here are a few tips through the application of which a man with erectile dysfunction can prepare himself to meet a doctor. Spend enough time with your doctor in order to undergo thorugh physical examination. The first step in the medical management of erectile dysfunction is to take a thorough sexual, medical, and psychosocial history.

  • You will be asked about the current medications you are taking, about any surgery you may have had, and about other disorders (for example history of trauma, prior prostate surgery, or radiation therapy).
  • The doctor will want to know all medications you have taken during the past year, including vitamins and other dietary supplements.
  • Tell the doctor about your tobacco use, alcohol intake, and caffeine intake, as well as any illicit drug use.
  • Your doctor will be looking for indications of depression. You will be asked about libido (sexual desire), problems and tension in your sexual relationship, insomnia, lethargy, moodiness, nervousness, anxiety, and unusual stress from work or at home.
  • You will be asked about your relationship with your partner. Does your partner know you are seeking help for this problem? If so, does your partner approve? Is this a major issue between the both of you? Is your partner willing to participate with you in the treatment process?
Your doctor will want candid answers from you to questions like these:
  • How long has the problem existed? Did a specific event such as a major surgery or a divorce occur at the same time?
  • Do you have diminished sexual desire? If so, do you think it is just a reaction to poor performance?
  • How hard or rigid are your erections now? Are you ever able to obtain an erection suitable for penetration even momentarily? Is maintaining the erection a problem for you?
  • Can you achieve orgasm, climax, and ejaculation? If so, does it feel normal to you?
  • Does the penis become somewhat rigid at climax?
  • Do you still have morning erections?
  • What would be your preferred frequency of intercourse, assuming the erections were working normally? How would your partner answer this same question? What was your frequency before you fall prey to erectile dysfunction?
  • Have you already tried any treatments for ED yet? If so, what were they and how did they work for you? Were there any problems or side effects to their use?
  • Are you interested in trying a particular treatment first? Are you against trying a particular type of therapy? If so, what caused you to make this judgement?
  • To what degree do you wish to proceed in determining the cause of your ED? How important is this information to you?
A physical examination will confirm the information you gave the doctor in your medical history and may help reveal unsuspected disorders such as diabetes, vascular disease, penile plaques, testicular problems, low male hormone production, injury, or disease to the nerves of the penis and various prostate disorders. Remember, it is very important for your treatment to provide complete information about whatever the doctor wants to know. Help him so that he can help you by giving your sexualability back to you.

The writer has written informative articles and pieces on the erectile dysfunction drug Cialis and other issues related to male impotency. For further tidbits on these subjects, visit the website

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cialis is more effective and I have used many times without any side effects.Herbal point of view Vigrx is the top
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